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Histopathological examination of the resected segments revealed eosinophilic or necrotizing enteritis arrhythmia natural remedies order midamor with amex. It is possible that a bacterial superinfection also may have been involved in the necrotizing enteritis (Bunyaratvej et al. Human muscular sarcocystosis is usually discovered fortuitously during exami nation of muscle tissue for other reasons. Although the infection is nearly always asymptomatic, in some cases muscular weakness, muscular pain, myositis, periar teritis, and subcutaneous tumefaction have been observed. However, in none of these cases was there conclusive proof that the muscular cysts were the definite cause of the clinical symptoms. The Disease in Animals: There are several species of sarcocysts in nonhuman mammals, which can occasionally cause intestinal or systemic disease. Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission: the source of infection for human intestinal sarcocystosis is beef or pork containing mature sarcocysts. Only the bradyzoites, which appear about two and a half months after infection of the intermediate host, are infective for the definitive host. The mode of transmission is through the ingestion of raw or undercooked infected meat. The mode of transmission is through contamination of pastures or feedlots with feces and the eventual ingestion thereof by cattle or swine. The sarcocysts have strict host specificity, so it is clear that other vertebrate species are not directly involved in transmission. Some authors have suggested that the reports of human cases of sarcosporidia are based on erroneous diagnoses. Taking into account the mor phology of the sarcocysts, Beaver (1979) and Kan and Pathmanathan (1991) have suggested that man might be an aberrant host of sarcocysts that normally infect the musculature of monkeys. The relative frequency of the infection in areas where there are large numbers of monkeys gives some credence to this hypothesis. Diagnosis: Human intestinal sarcocystosis can be diagnosed by confirming the presence of oocysts or mature sporocysts in feces starting on day 9 or 10 following the ingestion of infected meat. Muscular cysts in cattle and swine are found along the length of the muscle fiber and are whitish in color, often microscopic in size, and have the shape of a long cylinder. The cysts are found most often in the cardiac muscle, esophagus, and diaphragm of adult cattle and swine. They can be observed by trichinoscopy and, more effectively, by microscopy following tryptic digestion of the infected meat. The sarcocysts are similar to those in man, but they can sometimes be as long as 5 cm and are visible to the naked eye. Control: Cattle or swine should be prevented from ingesting infected human feces, and humans should avoid eating raw or undercooked meat. In the first case, measures should be taken to properly dispose of human waste in rural settings where there are large numbers of cattle and swine. Except in areas where there are high rates of human infection, it is probably not necessary to treat infected individuals in order to reduce contamination of the environment. The population should be edu cated about the risk of infection when raw meat is consumed, and veterinary inspec tion of slaughterhouses should be improved. In addition, it can, and usually does, take advantage of an interme diate host, which may be any of some 200 species of vertebrates. They then multiply sexually by gametogony and produce immature oocysts that cause the host cells to rupture, after which they are eventually evacuated in the feces. The cat sheds the oocytes for a period of 1 or 2 weeks, and then the cat develops immunity. In the intermediate host, which can include man and the cat, parasites are released in the small intestine and invade the epithelial cells, where they multiply until they rupture the cells. They are then disseminated by the lymphatic system or the blood stream, either as free forms or inside macrophages or leukocytes. Although most of the parasites are captured by the lymph nodes, they can also be found inside macrophages or monocytes, and in some cases they bypass the lymph nodes and spread throughout the rest of the organism. They are very active, and their cycles of invasion, multiplication, and cell rupture continue for one to two weeks, until the host develops a degree of immunity. The bradyzoites accumulate in the cytoplasm of the parasitized cells and encase themselves in a membrane, forming a cyst. These forms can parasitize any nucleated cell, but tachyzoites show a prefer ence for macrophages and monocytes, while bradyzoites are seen more often in muscle and nerve tissue. Occurrence in Man: the infection is very common, but the clinical disease is relatively rare. Most of those with bradyzoite cysts, given that they often persist for the life of the host, have a latent infection. The prevalence rate is usually higher in warm, humid climates than in cold, dry ones, and it is also higher at lower elevations and in older persons. The seropositivity rate in human populations, for whom the cause of infection is mainly the consumption of infected meat (see Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission), is low in children up to 5 years of age, but then it begins to increase and reaches its highest levels in the pop ulation 20 to 50 years old. In areas where the main cause of infection is the inges tion of contaminated soil, the infection rate is also high in children because of their inclination to get dirt on their hands. However, occasionally there are small epidemics attributed to the consumption of infected meat (Choi et al. The epi demic reported by Mullens (1996) affected more than 110 persons and it may be the largest one on record. In 1979, an outbreak of acute toxoplasmosis affected 39 of 98 soldiers in a company that had been practicing maneuvers in the jungles of Panama. The source of infection was deemed to be the consumption of water from a stream that may have been contaminated with the feces of wild felines (Benenson et al. The congenital infection is particularly important because of the severity of the sequelae in both the fetus and the newborn. Twenty-three percent of those who were infected gave birth to infected babies: 13% of the fetuses became infected during the first trimester, 29% in the second trimester, and 50% in the third. It is estimated that the rate of congenital infection is about 10 newborns for every 10,000 deliveries. In a region of Colombia, the rate of congenital infection has been estimated at between 30 and 120 for every 8,000 pregnancies (Gomez Marin et al. Toxoplasmosis is more severe in immunodeficient individuals, whose condition appears to facilitate the infection. Occurrence in Animals: the infection has been confirmed in some 200 species of vertebrates, including primates, ruminants, swine, equines, carnivores, rodents, marsupials, insectivores, and numerous avian species. In Cordoba, Argentina, when 23 spec imens of wild cats (Oncifelis geoffroyi, Felis colocolo, or Felis eira) were studied using both serologic and parasitologic tests, oocysts were found in 37% of the ani mals and positive serologic reactions in 59% (Pizzi et al. Among domestic animals, high reactor rates have been found in cats, sheep, goats, and swine; lower levels in horses and dogs; and low levels in cattle. For example, studies conducted in Costa Rica using either serologic tests or isolation of the parasite showed that 60 of 237 cats (25. In 55 of the animals (23%) the parasite was identified by isolation from feces and inoculation in mice, and 82% of the isolations corresponded to cats under 6 months of age. It is of interest to point out that 60% of the cats found to have oocysts in their feces were negative in the serologic tests, which indicates that they were suffering from a primary infection (Ruiz and Frenkel, 1980). In Europe, parasitism rates in excess of 50% have been found in the meat of sheep and swine slaughtered in abattoirs. Cattle, on the other hand, are more resistant to the infec tion: they have low, brief serologic titers, and parasites are isolated from them only rarely (Dubey and Streitel, 1976). The cases occur sporadically, with the following excep tions: in sheep and goats the congenital infection is common, and in swine there have been infrequent epizootic outbreaks in several parts of the world. The greatest damage caused by toxoplasmosis in sheep and goats, and sometimes swine, is abortion and the birth of infected offspring, in which perinatal fatality can be as high as 50%. The Disease in Man: Toxoplasmosis acquired postnatally is usually a mild dis ease. Most of the infections are inapparent, and of the symptomatic infections, about 90% produce mild fever, persistent lymphadenopathy in one or more lymph nodes, and asthenia.
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This significant drop is an indication that pulse pressure readings discount generic midamor canada, with a concerted effort, Swaziland can further reduce the prevalence of the virus in the country. With low growth rates, unfavourable terms of trade and an increasingly impoverished population, the economic gains of the last few decades have been reversed. This chapter explains how the existence of the pandemic has impacted human development in Swaziland over the past two decades. The impact on access to the four choices critical to human development, namely the choice to be educated, the choice to live a long and healthy life, the choice to have a decent standard of living and the choice to participate in community activities, is specifically investigated. High rates of chronic illness were reported in all age groups; from the 15-19 age group the rates increased linearly with higher ages up to the 50-54 age group. About 10% of the people aged 15-29 years were chronically ill in their prime years, when they are expected to be healthy. One of the critical service sectors affected by the epidemic is the health sector. This is because this service facilitates individuals towards achieving the core human development choice of living a long and healthy life. Almost all hospital services, including laboratories, allied medical staff, catering and housekeeping, are affected by the burden of the pandemic. While the population censuses of 1976 and 1986 and the 1991 Demographic and Health Survey showed a dramatic rise in life expectancy at birth from 46 years in 1976 to 56 years in 1986 and 65 years in 1991, an improvement of 41% in 15 years, the 1997 population census and projections indicated a sharp decline of the same indicator to 60 years in 1997 and 37,5 years in 2004. The increasing mortality rates, combined with a decline in the fertility levels, have led to a decline in the population growth rates. Given this scenario, the Central Statistical Office (2007b) reported that the population size of Swaziland has slowly been growing from the 1997 figure of about 930 000 people to only 953 000 in 2007. The King showed his concern about this situation and predicted the extinction of the nation if the trend continues unchecked. Even large, affluent European countries such as France and Germany are uncomfortable with declining populations for different reasons and are trying to stop the decline. To be educated and more knowledgeable is one of the core choices of human development. On the demand side, the parents and students who benefit from education are the concern. Firstly, the pandemic has greatly reduced the potential parents of children that would be going to school now, which could regrettably reduce the demand for education services. Most of the double orphans are left with their grandparents, who might be too old and weak to earn enough money to meet their school requirements. Due to a lack of school fees and other school necessities, many children have no access to primary education. In 2005, 87% of non orphans aged 10-14 were at school, while only79% of double orphans in the same age group were accessing education, denying access to 21%. Due to a higher school dropout rate for girls, attributed to providing care for sick parents and to allow the little money available to be used to send brothers to school, girls are worse off than boys. Many of the children drop out of school to care for sick parents and other relatives and to generate income for the household. Through impacting the supply of education, the pandemic has adversely affected the ability of children of acquiring more knowledge. Many of these teachers are stigmatised and discriminated against, as the statement from a 28-year teacher from the Hhohho region in Box 4. The Ministry of Education is spending a lot of money to pay for terminal benefits of deceased teachers and those who have retired on medical grounds. Teachers who are absent for a long time due to prolonged illness and recruitment and training exercises also incur high costs. Firstly, teacher-learner ratios have increased, due to prolonged sickness of teachers and teacher deaths caused by the pandemic. The 1999 study projected the ratio to rise from 39:1 in 1997 to 50:1 in 2006 and 52:1 in 2011. It was in fact recently reported that the Nkambeni Primary School in the Hhohho region has closed because of a lack of teachers (Times of Swaziland, 2006). Secondly, given the psychological and emotional stress on children due to a loss of family members, the lack of fees as well as stigma, the learning abilities of the children are likely to deteriorate. Thirdly, the abject poverty of households has led to hunger and malnutrition in children, which disrupts their educational performance. However, between the mid 1990s and 2003 the level of absolute poverty increased from 66% to 69%. The death of household heads who are breadwinners of the family often means poverty for the remaining household members, especially women and children. In other households, breadwinners are too sick to be able to work in order to provide for their family. As a result of the disability or death of men with marketable skills, women with inadequate skills are forced to start working in order to support their families. The women enter into the informal sector, as the family loses its social security cover. The caretakers, especially women and children, reduce their contribution to farm activities, resulting in a decrease in productivity on the farms of the affected households. In addition, high costs related to heavy expenditure on health care form a substantial proportion of the overall household expenditure. The study further observed that 21% of the households considered funeral expenses to inflict the biggest negative impact on their financial security. This list excludes important items such as memorial services and being absent from farm and office work, which can be expensive. This kind of expenditure leaves households with low and modest incomes poorer after the death of their household members. If it is the breadwinner that passed away, the chances of these households recovering and avoiding descending further into poverty are especially slim. Instead of receiving and investing the remittances, households are increasingly in need of coffins to bury their relatives, which cost money. As a result, high proportions of households are borrowing (44%) and others are selling their farm assets, such as cattle, goats and farm implements to survive. Reduction of investment in farms from lost remittances means exposure to food shortages. A loss of remittances also increases the vulnerability of households to environmental shocks and stresses such as droughts (which have hit many parts of the country for several years), as well as emergencies such as sickness, death and funeral expenses. While 87% of households get a significant part of their income from the sale of cash crops and livestock animals, the production of these items has declined. The combination of the pandemic with long-lasting droughts and poverty has been disastrous to rural households in many areas of Swaziland. Although natural shocks such as long droughts and famines are not foreign to Swaziland, the pandemic has increased the vulnerability of households in these circumstances and made their recovery difficult, which seriously weakened their livelihood. Apart from the consequences of increased food insecurity due to a lack of farming skills, widows face difficulties with household property inheritance. The effectiveness of extended families in Swaziland in responding to crises has been reduced. The traditional role of caring for the weak members, especially orphans, has been greatly compromised. Poverty caused by the pandemic has reduced the financial capacity of the extended families to feed, shelter and pay the school fees for orphans. The burden of orphan care is increasingly transferred to the older and female-headed households. Grandmothers left to look after the orphans are in many cases too old, weak and poor to support the needy children. As a result the orphans, especially the double orphans, have had to fend for themselves when they were too young. An old woman in her mid-eighties living in Nceka in the lowveld expresses the plight of the bereaved elderly in Swaziland in Box 4. Due to lack of money, only one of the children is at school, supported by the government bursary for orphans. The woman however has to find money to pay for a uniform, books and other necessities.
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If the leaderwork runs over from one page to another heart attack film best order midamor, the footnotes will be placed at the bottom of the leadered material. The following example shows the style to be observed where there is a short colon line at lef. In blank forms, leaders used in place of complete words to be sup plied are preceded and followed by a space. Mixed units of quantity and amounts and words in a fgure column are set as follows: Capital invested. Text footnotes follow the style of the text with the exception of those things noted in Chapter 9 Abbreviations and Letter Symbols. In a publication divided into chapters, sections, or articles, each beginning a new page, text footnotes begin with 1 in each such division. In a publication without such divisional grouping, foot notes are numbered consecutively from 1 to 99, and then begin with 1 again. However, in supplemental sections, such as appendixes and bibliographies, which are not parts of the publication proper, foot notes begin with 1. If a reference is repeated on another page, it should carry the origi nal footnote; but to avoid repetition of a long note, the copy preparer may use the words See footnote 3 (6, 10, etc. Unless the copy is otherwise marked: (1) footnotes to 12-point text are set in 8 point; (2) footnotes to 11-point text are set in 8 point, except in Supreme Court reports, in which they are set in 9 point; (3) footnotes to 10 and 8-point text are set in 7 point. Footnotes are set as paragraphs at the bottom of the page and are separated from the text by a 50-point rule, set fush lef, with no less than 2 points of space above and below the rule. To achieve faithful reproduction of indented excerpt material (par ticularly legal work) containing original footnotes, these footnotes are also indented and placed at the bottom of the excerpt, separated 307 308 Chapter 15 by 6 points of space. If the entire footnote will not ft on the page where it is cited, it will be continued at the bottom of the next page. Footnotes to charts, graphs, and other illustrations should be placed immediately beneath such illustrative material. For reference marks use: (1) roman superior fgures, (2) italic supe rior letters, and (3) symbols. Superior fgures (preferred), letters, and symbols are separated from the words to which they apply by thin spaces, unless immediately preceded by periods or commas. Where reference fgures might lead to ambiguity (for example, in matter containing exponents), asterisks, daggers, etc. Should more symbols be needed, these may be doubled or tripled, but for simplicity and greater readability, it is preferable to extend the assortment by adding other single-charac ter symbols. Symbols with established meanings, such as the percent sign (%) and the number mark (#), are likely to cause confusion and should not be used for reference marks. To avoid possible confusion with numerals and letters frequently occurring in charts and graphs, it is preferable in such instances to use symbols as reference marks. When items carry several reference marks, the superior-fgure ref erence precedes an asterisk, dagger, or similar character used for reference. A superior reference mark follows all punctuation marks except a dash, but it falls inside a closing parenthesis or bracket if applying only to matter within the parentheses or brackets. Two or more superior footnote references occurring together are separated by thin spaces. Indexes and tables of contents are set in the same style as the text, except that See and see also are set in italic. Where a word occurs in an index page column, either alone or with a fgure, it is set fush on the right. For better appearance, Roman numerals should be set in small caps in the fgure columns of tables of contents and indexes. In indexes set with leaders, if the page numbers will not ft in the leader line, the frst number only is set in that line and the other numbers are overrun. If the entry makes three or more lines and the last line of fgures is not full, do not use a period at the end. Overrun page numbers are indented 3ems in measures not over 20 picas and 7 ems in wider measures, more than one line being used if necessary. Tese indentions are increased as necessary to not less than 2 ems more than the line immediately above or below. When copy specifes that all overs are to be a certain number of ems, the runovers of the fgure column shall be held in 2 ems more than the specifed indention. In a table of contents, where chapter, plate, or fgure is followed by a number and period, an en space is used afer the period. In contents using two sizes of lightface type, or a combination of boldface and lightface type, all leaders and page numbers will be set in lightface roman type. Outlines vary in appearance because there is no one set style to fol low in designing them. The width of the measure, the number of levels required for the indentions, and the labeling concept selected to identify each new level all contribute to its individuality. The following sample outline demonstrates a very basic and struc tured arrangement. The enumerators for the frst four levels are followed by a period and a fxed amount of space. The enumerators for the second four levels are set in parentheses and followed by the same amount of fxed space. Each new level indents 2 ems more than the preceding level, and data that runs over to the next line aligns with the frst word follow ing the enumerator. Indicate those check numbers cashed (1) Mark of check number on the statement (a) Verify amount of check (i) Highlight discrepancies on statement (aa) Enter fgures on back (ii) Enter missing check numbers on back with amounts (aa) Identify missing check numbers in register (bb) Verify those check numbers were not cashed previously 16. The general principle involved in the typography of datelines, ad dresses, and signatures is that they should be set to stand out clearly from the body of the letter or paper that they accompany. Principal words in datelines, addresses, and titles accompanying signatures are capitalized. At least 2 points of space should appear between dateline and text or address, address and text, text and signature, or signature and address. Datelines at the beginning of a letter or paper are set at the right side of the page, the originating ofce in caps and small caps, the address and date in italic; if the originating ofce is not given, the address is set in caps and small caps and the date in italic; if only the date is given, it is set in caps and small caps. Such datelines are indented from the right 1 em for a single line; 3 ems and 1 em, successively, for two lines; or 5 ems, 3 ems, and 1 em, successively, for three lines. Datelines at the end of a letter or paper, either above or below signa tures, are set on lef in caps and small caps for the address and italic for the date. Datelines in newspaper extracts are set at the beginning of the para graph, the address in caps and small caps and the date in roman caps and lowercase, followed by a period and a 1-em dash. Addresses are set fush lef at the beginning of a letter or paper in congressional work (or at end in formal usage). A long title following an address is set in italic caps and lowercase, the frst line fush lef and right, overruns indented 2 ems to clear a following 1-em paragraph indention. The name or title forming the frst line of the address is set in caps and small caps, but Mr. Navy immediately following a name are set in roman caps and lowercase in the same line as the name. General (or collective) addresses are set in italic caps and lowercase, fush lef, with overruns indented 2 ems and ending with a colon, except when followed by a salutation, in which case a period is used. Example of general address when followed by salutation (note the use of period at end of italic line): Senate and House of Representatives. Signatures, preceded by an em dash, are sometimes run in with the last line of text. They are indented 1 em for a single line; 3 ems and 1 em, successively, for two lines; and 5 ems, 3 ems, and 1 em, successively, for three lines. Two to eight independent signatures, with or without titles, are aligned on the lef, at approximately the center of the measure. More than eight signatures, with or without titles, are set full mea sure, roman caps and lowercase, run in, indented 5 and 7 ems in measures of 26picas or wider; in measures less than 26picas, indent 2 and 3 ems. Examples of various kinds of datelines, addresses, and signatures: Re weather reports submitted by the International Advisory Committee of the Weather Council.
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In looseleaf or perforated-on-fold work blood pressure medication pril midamor 45 mg low cost, indicate folio sequence, in cluding blank pages, by circling in blue. This can be done by splitting a would-be fold-in and arranging the material to appear as facing pages in the text. Where fold-ins are numerous and can not be split, consider folding and inserting these into an envelope pasted to the inside back cover. Every efort should be made to keep complete jobs of over 4 pages to signatures (folded units) of 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32 pages. If nonstandard trim sizes and/or type areas are used, indicate head and back margins. Customers should submit copy for running heads and indicate the numbering sequence for folios, including the preliminary pages. Corrections should be made on frst proofs returned, as later proofs are intended for verifcation only. Corrections should be marked in the margins of a proof opposite the indicated errors, not by writing over the print or between the lines. Used as a planning aid and guide in selecting an adequate grade, weight, and color of paper for a job of printing. Corrections made to proofs should be indicated as follows: 1In lieu of the traditional mark tr used to indicate letter or number transpositions, the striking out of the incorrect letters or numbers and the placement of the correct matter in the margin of the proof is the preferred method of indicating transposition corrections. The placement of corrections in the lef-hand margin for those errors found in the lef-hand portion of the proof and in the right-hand margin for right-side errors prevents overcrowding of marks and facilitates corrections. New publications are evaluated by application specialists who re view their requirements and design the necessary formats. At this time, customer agencies are requested to indicate precise de tails of any style changes because this set of pages serves as a guide for the copy preparer, the beginning of actual production. Changes in the needs of the library community have led to a move toward uniform treatment of the component parts of publications. In developing standards to guide publishers of Government docu ments, consideration has been given to the changing needs of those who seek to produce, reference, index, abstract, store, search, and retrieve data. However, when the following elements occur in Government publications, they generally appear in the sequence listed below. The designation new odd page generally refers to bookwork and is not required in most pamphlet and magazine type publications. An introduction difers from a foreword or a preface in that it is the initial part of the text; if the book is di vided into chapters, it should be the frst chapter. If some of this preliminary matter is necessary, it is more practical to combine them. Widow lines (lines less than full width of measure) at top of pages are to be avoided, if possible, but are permitted if absolutely neces sary to maintain uniform makeup and page depth. If it is found necessary to make a short page, the facing page should be of approximate equal depth. A blank space or sink of 6 picas should be placed at the head of each new odd or even page of 46-pica or greater depth; pages with a depth of from 36 to 45 picas, inclusive, will carry a 5-pica sink; pages less than 36 picas, 4 picas. When centered top folios are used, the folio on a new page is set 2 points smaller than the top folios, centered at the bottom, and en closed in parentheses. When running heads with top folios are used, running heads are included in overall page depth. However, frst pages of chapters and other pages with bottom folios do not include the folios as part of the overall page depth. Jobs that have bottom folios will align them in the margin, including those on preliminary pages. Contents, list of illustrations, preface, or any other matter that makes a page in itself will retain normal 6-pica sink. Footnote references are repeated in boxheads or in continued lines over tables, unless special orders are given not to do so. A landscape or broadside table that continues from an even to an odd page must be positioned to read through the center (gutter) of the publication when its size is not sufcient to fll both pages. Centerheads, whether in boldface, caps, caps and small caps, small caps, or italic, should have more space above than below. In making up a page of two or more columns, text preceding a page-width illustration will be divided equally into the appropriate number of columns above the illustration. New Odd or New Page, Preliminary, Cover, Title, or Back Title should also be plainly indicated. Copy preparers must mark those things not readily understood when reading the manuscript. They must also mark the correct ele ment identifer code for each data element, as well as indicate other matters of style necessary to give the publication good typographic appearance. Preparers must indicate the proper subformat at the beginning of each extension, verify folios, and plainly indicate references, foot notes, cut-ins, etc. Quoted or extract matter and lists should be set smaller than text with space above and below. If the same type size is used, quoted matter should be indented 2 ems on both sides with space top and bottom, and initial and closing quotes should be omitted. In congressional hearings, the name of the interrogator or witness who continues speaking is repeated following a head set in boldface, General Instructions 13 a paragraph enclosed in parentheses, or a paragraph enclosed in brackets. Paragraph or section numbers (or letters) followed by fgures or let ters in parentheses will close up, as section 7(B)(1)(a), paragraph 23(a), paragraph b(7), paragraph (a)(2); but section 9(a) (1) and (2), section 7 a and b. In case of an unavoidable break, division will be made afer elements in parentheses, and no hyphen is used. Copy preparers must mark caps, small caps, italic, abbreviations, indentions, and line breaks where necessary. In fgure columns containing both decimals and common fractions, such decimals and/or fractions will not be aligned. If a quoted extract is set in type smaller than that of the preceding text and the speaker has summed up the remainder of the quota tion with the words and so forth or et cetera, these words should be placed at the beginning of the next line, fush and lowercase, and an em dash should be used at the end of the extract. Folios should be placed in the upper right corner, preferably half an inch from the top. Caps, caps and small caps, small caps, caps and lowercase, sentence case, or italic must be prepared. Sidenotes and cut-in notes are set each line fush lef and ragged right, unless otherwise prepared, and are always set solid. Names of Greek letters must be indicated, as they are frequently mistaken for italic letters or symbols. The lack of preparation on copy so designated will, in itself, constitute prepa ration. In marking abbreviations to be spelled, preparers must show what the spelled form should be, unless the abbreviations are common. An unfamiliar abbreviation, with spelled-out form unavailable, will not be changed. In correcting pickup matter, the operator must indicate plainly on the proof what portion, if any, was actually reset. Every precaution must be taken to prevent the soiling of proofs, as it is necessary for the reviser to see clearly every mark on the margin of a proof afer it has been corrected. Spacing of text is governed by the leading, narrow spacing being more desirable in solid than in leaded matter. Solid matter (text) is defned as those lines set without horizontal space between them. A single justifed word space will be used between sentences (key one space when typing). Center or fush heads set in caps, caps and small caps, small caps, or boldface are keyed with regular justifed spaces between words. In 10-point type, the spacing would be 10 points over and 8 points under a head ing; in 8 and 6-point type, the spacing would be 8 points above and 6 points below.
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Pulse and Diet the pulse of a man who has taken sweet things moves like a peacock or frog blood pressure medication itchy scalp buy midamor no prescription, that of the man who has taken bitter things moves like an earth-worm, that of the man who has taken sour things becomes hot and jumps like a frog, that of the man who has taken pungent things moves like a Vringa bird, that of the man who has taken astringent things becomes hard and dejected, that of the man who has taken saline things becomes straight and rapid. Pulse in Allopathy Allopathy also recognises the theory of pulse and its efficacy in determining the nature of the disease and its cure. Allopathy, too, has realised its usefulness and nowadays examination of the pulse is given the proper place in the treatment of diseases. Definition At each heart-beat four to six ounces of blood are sent into the aorta. A fluid wave distends the arteries as it passes and is transmitted along the arteries all over the body. The physician has in the wave a valuable means of studying both the state of the artery as regards elasticity and the heart action. Pulse is the expansion and contraction of the artery caused by the blood which is being pumped into it by the heart. Pulse-Rate the pulse-rate is usually about 72 per minute but it may vary in health from 50 to 100. In a newborn infant the pulse-rate is 140 per minute, and, twelve months old 120, and in a child about 100. In old age and in some degenerative process, the vessel wall becomes so thick that it may be felt like a piece of whip cord rolling beneath the finger. After great muscular exertion or when the heart is beating strongly, the vessels of the limbs are full and the pulse is large. Pulse and Diseases Different types of heart diseases have special features of the pulse. In cases where the aortic valve is incompetent, the pulse has the peculiarity of rising very quickly and collapsing suddenly (water-hammer pulse). In fevers a dicrotic pulse indicates considerable nervous prostration in which the heart continues to beat violently, while the small blood vessels have lost their tone. Dicrotic pulse is one in which two impulses are felt by the finger at each heart-beat. Examination of Pulse the examination of-the pulse gives you direct information regarding the condition of the walls of the arteries and the amount and variation of pressure of the contained blood. By careful and intelligent observation you can obtain very valuable information regarding the state of the heart and circulation, as well as the general state of the patient. The patient should not make any effort or strain before the examination of the pulse. Feel the rate of the pulse, its rhythm of puke (irregularity, inequality), size of the artery (calibre), condition of the vessel wall, volume, amount of movement during a pulse-wave, the blood pressure in the artery during the systolic beat, the blood-pressure between the beats (tension), the form of the individual pulse wave (rise, maintenance and fall of pressure). A small instrument known as sphygmograph has been devised to register the waves. A high tension pulse occurs in some cases of high blood-pressure, when the arteries have undergone calcareous degeneration, as in arterio-sclerosis. An irregular pulse is one in which the intervals between the pulse beats vary in length. The pulse is felt but it immediately recedes as the blood regurgitates into the left ventricle. Chapter 7 of Charaka and chapters 4 to 6, 7 and 9 of Sushruta deal in detail with Sareera-sthana and Sareera-astharanam (Anatouy and Physiology). Reference to operation in the abdomen to set right deceased intestines are not wanting. An army of skilled doctors and surgeons with necessary appliances were at hand in the Mahabharata Yuddha. Mahavarga tells us that Jeevaka, the personal physician of Buddha practised cranio surgery with success. There are several chapters in Sushruta which will be revelation to those who little realised the surgical side ol Ayurveda. Pythagorus, the Greek physician was indebted to Sushruta for his knowledge of surgery. Dhanvantari, Sushruta, Aupadihenava, Aurabhra, Pushkalavata were rather surgeons than physicians. Indian surgeons of yore used one hundred and twenty five surgical instruments for ophthalmic, obstetric and other operations. Arrows lodged in the bodies of the warriors were dexterously extracted, and their wounds promptly dressed by the army surgeons. They could set fractures and dislocations in men and beasts, reduce hernia and extract foreign-bodies. They used to practise the dissection of the human body and taught it to their disciples. Sushruta gives very minute directions to be observed in the performance of surgical operations. He classifies surgical operations into Aharya (extracting solid bodies), Bhedya (excising), Chhedya (incising), Eshya (probing), Lekhya Vedhya (puncturing) and Visravaniya (evacuating fluids). The Yantras are divided into 6 kinds: Svastikas (pincers or forceps) 24 forms, Sandashas (tongs of two kinds), Talas of two kinds; Nadis (tubulas) instruments like catheters of 20 varieties; Shalakas (bougies) of 30 sorts; Upayantras (dressings Sutures, 26 in number). The Shastras are Ardhadhara, Atimukha, Ara, Badisha, Dantasanku, Eshni, Karapatra, Kartirika, Kritharika, Kushpatra, Mandalagra, Mudrika, Nakhasashtra, Sharari mukha, Suchi, Trikurchaka, Utpalapatraka, Vriddhipatra, Vrihimukha and Vetaspatra. The names of the Yantras are Anguli Yantra, Bhasti Yantra (syringe), Jalodara Yantra, Kakamukha Yantra, Garbha Sankhi Yantra, Simhamukha Yantra, Vyaghramukha Yantra, Shanku Yantra, Tala Yantra, etc. The surgeon offers a prayer to the Lord for the speedy recovery of the patient as soon as the operation is over. In serious surgical operations patients were made insensible by administration of anaesthetics. The precautions for the delivery, the expedients and surgical skill in cases of hard labour, still birth, and cranio operation are all well described. Bhagavatam recites the instances of Vasishtha cutting the womb of a pregnant woman with Kusa Sastra to save the child and mother from a collapse. As for surgical instruments the exhibits in the museums in Naples and Athens are there in proof of their existence in Ayurveda. They were acquainted with the circulation of the blood, the distinction between the artery and vein, the use of anaesthetics, the means of arresting haemorrhage and the proper treatment of surgical wounds. The founding of hospitals all over the country was a unique feature of the Buddhist period and these institutions were also known to have provided for surgical treatments. In Ayurveda, diagnosis and treatment are based upon the Tridhatu (Tridosha) theory. The Tridosha theory is closely related to that of the Panchabhutas which are the causes for the universe. Madhava has investigated at length the causes and symptoms of the largest number of diseases in all their varieties. Sushruta has devoted sixteen chapters treating the classification, causation and symptoms of diseases such as piles, erysipelas, abdominal tumours, abortion, urinary calculi, fistula, carbuncles, tumours, fractures, diseases of the mouth, male generative organ, etc. Sarangadhara enumerates 80 principal diseases caused by wind, 40 by derangements by bile, 20 by abnormalities of phlegm and 10 by faulty conditions of blood. Corrupt semen or ovum of the father and mother, respectively, causing leprosy, etc. Indulgence in forbidden food by the mother during pregnancy, or the non-fulfilment of any of her desires during that condition causing blindness, etc. Harita reduces the number to three and says that diseases are caused by Karma or by the derangement of the humours, or by both. Karma is the unavoidable consequence of good or evil acts done in this or in a past existence.
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In 9 circumcised boys arrhythmia jokes purchase midamor with mastercard, it may result from recurrent meatal in In older children, pyelonephritis may be clinically difer 3 fammation from moist diapers. Trauma, hypospadias repair, entiated from cystitis by the presence of systemic features catheterization, and balanitis xerotica obliterans are other causes. In infants and young children, the clinical picture dysuria, and occasional bleeding. Phimosis is when the foreskin may be nonspecifc, with fever and other symptoms present in cannot be retracted because of scarring or narrowing of the pre upper or lower tract disease. Paraphimosis is the also show pyelonephritis but is not as sensitive; however, it is incarceration of the prepuce behind the glans, ofen afer forcible adequate to detect obstructive uropathy or high-grade refux retraction of the foreskin. Balanitis is an infammation of the pre that may be associated with pyelonephritis. Chapters 114, 116 Neurogenic bladder may develop secondary to a lesion of 4 the central or peripheral nervous system. A careful neuro Chapter 31 logic examination should be included, assessing strength, tone, sensation and refexes of the lower extremities, and anal wink. The voiding cystourethrogram demonstrates a trabeculated bladder with a Christmas tree or pine cone Enuresis is urinary incontinence at an age when most children appearance. Nocturnal enuresis, the most common form, is malities when the cause of the neurogenic bladder has not the involuntary passage of urine during sleep. Primary nocturnal enure 5 ful examination may indicate labial fusion in which there sis refers to a child who has never been continent at night and is retention of urine behind the fused labia. Secondary enuresis refers to a child cially obese or preschool-aged girls who do not open the labia who was successfully toilet trained for at least 3 to 6 months and when voiding, there may be refux of the urine into the va becomes incontinent once again. Some girls who have postvoid (new sibling, school trauma, physical or sexual abuse). Urethral obstruction may appear as abnormal urinary symp 6 It is most important to distinguish between monosymp toms such as dribbling, poor stream, needing to push, or 1 tomatic nocturnal enuresis (which is usually benign) and weak thin stream. Chil urethritis) or trauma (traumatic catheterization, urethral foreign dren with overactive bladder (pediatric unstable bladder) may body. Hinman syndrome (detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia) is enuresis associated with giggling, laughing, coughing, strain an extreme form of this in a child without neurologic abnor ing, or physical activity may indicate the cause. In children with nocturnal enuresis, lated bladder, a signifcant amount of residual urine afer void a history of snoring and mouth breathing may indicate sleep ing, and may show vesicourethral refux, upper urinary tract apnea. In Overactive bladder (urge syndrome, pediatric unstable bladder) 8 patients with urethral obstruction, the bladder and kidneys may is a common cause of daytime wetting. A frst morning urine sample with specifc gravity above Giggle incontinence is associated with laughing and is 9 1. Hematuria may be noted in children with hypercalcuria or common in preschool-aged children who are engrossed in ac sickle cell disease or trait. Constipation is ofen associated with bladder dysfunction, Ectopic ureter is a rare congenital anomaly. Incontinence 3 10 because anorectal and lower urinary tract function are in occurs when the ureter is inserted distal to the external terrelated. It is more common in girls, and there is constant der function is known as dysfunctional elimination syndrome. It is more common in boys and ofen shows sis, constant wetness, neurologic signs or symptoms, or abnor a familial pattern. Tese children have a normal examination mal urine stream may indicate an organic cause and prompt (including careful neurologic exam), no associated daytime further evaluation, as in the case of diurnal enuresis. A lateral neck x-ray may be helpful to document textbook of pediatrics, ed 19, Philadelphia, 2011, Saunders, Chapters 21, 537. Neveus T, Eggert P, Evans J, et al: Evaluation of and treatment for monosymp large adenoids, and a sleep study to evaluate for obstructive sleep tomatic enuresis: A standardization document from the International apnea. Gross hematuria is vis ation, trauma due to catheterization, and sexual abuse may ible to the naked eye. Injury to the bladder and posterior urethra may be History should include urinary symptoms such as dysuria, associated with pelvic fractures and may be diagnosed by retro 1 frequency, and urgency, as well as fank or abdominal pain. A history of exercise or trauma, including a foreign body, cath eterization, or sexual/physical abuse, may indicate the cause of Idiopathic hypercalciuria most ofen occurs as persistent 6 the hematuria. A medication, drug, and dietary history should microscopic hematuria or as recurrent gross hematuria or be obtained. If this is sion, as well as systemic illnesses ofen associated with renal present, a 24-hour urine collection for calcium should be ob disease. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ofen include renal abnormalities, hematuria, deafness, renal failure, appears as gross hematuria. Symptoms may begin in childhood hypertension, nephrolithiasis, sickle cell disease or trait, dialysis, but more ofen occur in adulthood. Stress hematuria occurs af A positive reagent strip (dipstick) in the absence of ter exercise. Patients with benign familial hematuria (thin base moglobinuria occurs with hemolysis. It may occur in hemo ment membrane nephropathy) have an excellent prognosis but lytic anemias, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, mismatched must be followed. Nutcracker syndrome is due to carbon monoxide, fava beans, venoms, mushrooms, naphtha the compression of the distal segment of the lef renal vein be lene, quinine, and many other substances. Papillary will ofen show fragmented cells, and the reticulocyte count necrosis may result in hematuria in patients with sickle cell may be elevated. Myoglobinuria occurs with rhabdomyolysis afer viral myo sitis and in children with inborn errors of energy metabolism, Acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis occurs 4 days to 7 ofen afer exercise. The clinical picture as well as elevated 3 weeks afer a febrile illness just with hematuria, but also muscle enzyme levels may aid in distinguishing myoglobinuria with oliguria, edema, and hypertension. If needed, Hgb and myoglobin may be mea infection causing either pharyngitis or impetigo is the most sured in the urine. Laboratory fndings include a decrease in C3 and C4 levels and laboratory evidence of a preceding group A Microscopic hematuria is ofen found on routine screen 3 streptococcal infection (Streptozyme, antistreptolysin, antihyal ing. If proteinuria is present, the port syndrome is associated with a family history of renal dis evaluation is the same as for gross hematuria (see algorithm). Proteinuria suggests glomerular involve may be due to associated renal cysts and angiomyolipomas. Chapter 163 122 Part V u Genitourinary System particularly in focal segmental sclerosis and membranopro Bibliography liferative glomerulonephritis. It may also be done by quantitative assess ment of proteinuria in ambulatory and recumbent urine specimens. The amount in the ambulatory specimen may vary but is usually 2 to 4 times that of the recumbent specimen. In patients who have persistent asymptomatic proteinuria, Proteinuria is a common laboratory fnding that is ofen a symp 4 further evaluation may proceed as in symptomatic patients. It may also be found in normal, healthy It is reasonable to refer even the patient with normal test results children. It is therefore important to distinguish between patho to a nephrologist, because there are diferent opinions regarding logic and nonpathologic causes of proteinuria. Because this is a transient fnding in a majority of children, it is Patients with proteinuria who are symptomatic (edema, 5 important to retest the urine before making a diagnosis. Trace proteinuria is usually not signifcant; tory of glomerulonephritis or renal failure should have further 11 proteinuria (30 mg/dl) may be signifcant. In most cases, referral to the nephrologist may be repeated and viewed in the context of the urine Sp gr. This evaluation includes assessment of renal function negative results may occur with urine that is too dilute (,1. Nephrotic syn and false-positive results may occur with overlong dipstick im drome consists of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, and mersion, alkaline urine, pyuria, bacteriuria, mucoprotein and hyperlipidemia. Total serum protein, albumin, as well as choles quaternary ammonium compounds, and detergents. Tests for antistreptococcal Quantitative testing for proteinuria is done by a timed 12 to antibodies (Streptozyme) as well as complement levels (C3, C4) 24-hour urine collection for protein: less than 4 mg/m2/h is nor are done to exclude poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. The mal, 4-40 mg/m2/h is abnormal, and over 40 mg/m2/h is in the diagnosis of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is made in a nephrotic range.
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Time in the classroom the amount of time you need to fully prepare for a billing and coding career depends upon your pre-existing knowledge of the field and the amount of education or training you need to prepare for a job hypertension level 2 purchase generic midamor. In general, the greater the educational or training requirements, the longer the program. On the other hand, if you already work in a medial healthcare environment, you may find a program with less instruction in basic skill sets quite adequate. The important thing is to find a program that meets your individual needs as well as your time constraints. These counselors can also help you determine whether the school fits your needs in terms of time-to-degree. Allowing time for on-the-job training Classroom instruction provides you with the tools of the trade, but on-the job training teaches you how to use them. So remember to account for a year or two of this kind of training in your planning. The more experience you have in the healthcare industry prior to formal training, the shorter your post-program, on-the-job training period. For the novice with no healthcare experience, a minimum of one or two years of on-the-job training will likely be necessary. Some employers are willing to hire novice coders, but doing so can be a dis service to the novice if no onsite mentor is available. Before you say yes to a job offer straight out of school, make sure you inquire about the type of men toring and support you can expect. Anticipating your day-to-day schedule Most vocational school programs involve about 10 hours per week in the classroom. You also need to include time to commute and time for family and household responsibilities. Calculate approximately how many hours you need to spend on each of those activities, add them up, and then multiply that number by a factor of 10. The number of hours you need depends on your current level of famil iarity with the medical curriculum. If, on the other hand, the last time you read the word patella was in middle school, then mastering medical terminol ogy and anatomy in addition to learning the methods used in coding books may require a bit more study. Pick a quiet time and place where you can concentrate on your work without distraction. Chapter 8: the Path to Certification: Finding a Study Program 117 Take care of yourself. Nearly every course of study has a list of prerequisites, things you need to know or skill sets you need to have, to be successful as an incoming student. Getting ready for your training program General prerequisites for medical billing and coding success are strong key boarding skills and strong reading skills. To process codes clearly and effectively, you must be able to read fairly quickly, and you must have good retention. Making the most of math On the math side of the fence, you need to have a fairly solid proficiency in math because some positions require higher-level math skills. As a medi cal biller and coder, your job is to make sure that the numbers are right when you submit them for reimbursement: the procedure code numbers, the diag nosis code numbers, the insurance policy numbers, the billing address, and every other number and letter that crosses your desk. Medical billing and coding training programs themselves have no enrollment requirements. You can enroll, for example, fresh out of high school, after years as a stay-at-home-parent, or as a college graduate. But as I make clear in the preceding paragraph, the exams for some certification levels do have Chapter 8: the Path to Certification: Finding a Study Program 119 educational prerequisites. Picking a Program of Study Certification may open the door to your new career, but you need to under stand the workings of the industry to succeed in the billing and coding busi ness. By attending classes and studying under professionals who know the ins and outs of the industry, you can have a competitive edge over job candidates who study independently for the certification tests. These subjects represent the minimum you must know to pass a certification exam and get a job in billing and coding. Ideally, full programs also offer classes that explain the different types of insurance, describe how clearinghouses operate and what their function actually is, and introduce you to the types of coding and billing software that medical practices commonly use. The path to certification can be costly; it pays to research any and all pro grams before making a commitment. In your backyard: Community college Community college programs vary in cost and number of hours required for a certificate of completion. The businesses benefit from the work Internships and externships serve as an performed by the intern, and the intern benefits avenue to networking. The elsewhere or would be willing to serve as a availability of these positions serves as a sell professional reference in the future. These positions often result in job offers A solid community college program includes instruction in medical terminol ogy, anatomy, physiology, and diagnosis and procedure coding. A good pro gram also includes instruction in medical billing programs in addition to an introduction to medical clearinghouse practices. Others offer certificates of completion, which indicate that you have successfully completed the program.
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Because as more fissile material is created well as counterterrorism blood pressure chart for geriatrics midamor 45mg mastercard, counterproliferation, and you run the risk of that material getting into the information warfare-type programs. So anytime there is more fissile material of the subcommittees, which is why I have stayed on out there in the world, you run the risk of it getting it from the very beginning. Cesium, prior to my arrival and had continued on for the for example, is found in medical testing equipment first term of my time was the terrorism panel, which and is the consistency of salt. If [a small amount was relatively new and did not have the same power of] cesium was dispersed through a traditional as a subcommittee. Not to become-the Emerging Threats and Capabilities only is there a physical threat, there is also psycho Subcommittee. What new capabilities do achieved through use of kinetic weapons can now our Special Operations Forces need, if any I am confident they When I first came into the [emerging threat] will continue to do the job we expect. Sophisticated cyber the United States, they are international problems, actors, such as China, Russia, North Korea, and and we need to be working on this together. Iran threaten the United States as do individuals, terrorist organizations, and criminal enterprises. The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the worst weapons get into the hands of someone or Department of Homeland Security have the inter some entity that has the will to use them Still, there is more and responsibilities to counter the messaging from room for progress. But we cannot, and should not, do lab and into the hands of the warfighter is always a this alone. It is important to note that the past two National Defense Authorization Acts have contained key reforms that will require time for implementation. How and when to end the dual-hat arrangement is a question we will have to grapple with down the road. Hamm and Ramon Spaaij the authors point out valuable commonalities to the Columbia University Press, 2017 lone wolf in terms of motives and other variables. Reviewed By James Mis While the reader can judge the overall unique ness and applicability of the Hamm and Spaaijthe Age of Lone Wolf Terrorism by Mark S. Hamm model, it does meet the authorsintent to illustrate and Ramon Spaaij provides the national security push-pull factors, and serve as a suitable analytical professional with an exceptional overview and tool in the absence of others. The model starts with appreciation of this growing problem facing the a personal or political grievance that launches an United States and its partners. Detailed in their affinity with on-line [like-minded] sympathizers or compilation of the 123 incidents of lone wolf ter external groups. Hamm and Spaaij generalize, support of their argument that incidents of lone defining lone wolf terrorism as terrorist actions wolf terrorism are preventable since violent rad carried out by lone individuals, as opposed to those icalization is a social process involving behavior carried out on the part of terrorist organizations or that can be observed, comprehended and mod state bodies. Humans are complicated, individually or religious conviction, but this characterization processing and reacting differently to such inputs as allows the authors to include a wider population, world events and social media posts, while exist including assassins, such as Sirhan Sirhan and James ing within the complexity of the human domain. Earl Ray, abortion clinic bombers, and anti-civil It is within the context of this complex system that rights fanatics. Yet, their hard-and-fast criteria of trends based on a compilation of past events do not being a singleton discounts others such as Syed always lead to a predictable outcome. Increased and consistent intelligence-sharing to lone wolf terrorism, the authorsrecommenda among and between local, state, and federal agencies tions may disappoint. The authors state that one has also proven effective in prevention, with very of their goals is to illustrate how the law enforce recent lapses such as the mass shooting in Las Vegas, ment and the intelligence communities can deal Nevada last year having catastrophic consequences. However, Hamm and Spaaij Monitoring of social media or the utilization of the approach this by critiquing what they call the United community-based network will also be beneficial at Statesthree-pronged approach for combatting the point when the lone wolf broadcasts intent, an lone wolf terrorism, namely, the U. There is no disputing that the law enforcement authors over editorialize and offer little in the way of and intelligence communities have the most expe viable alternatives. The Age of Lone Wolf member, a psychologist, or a member of the clergy Terrorism serves as a reminder for constant study, to provide counseling in a secure setting, instead of vigilance, and innovation. Another tech By Glenn Cross nique was to contaminate clothing with parathion Helion and Company, 2017 infiltrated through nefarious channels to guerrillas. The Rhodesians also killed a considerable num Reviewed By Seth Carus ber of guerillas through poisoned water sources and food, although exactly how many are unknowable. This figure does not account to the small, but growing scholarly literature on for an unknown number of civilians who came into the history of chemical and biological warfare. In contact with the poisoned material, evidenced by 1965, the minority white community in the British the dramatic rise in poisoning cases reported by territory of Rhodesia (officially Southern Rhodesia) Rhodesian medical authorities. His account is somewhat confusing white Rhodesians found it increasingly difficult since it appears that there were two different bio to counter the growing power of native African logical weapons programs. As with many Rhodesian regulars in the early 1970s, contaminated insurgencies, the guerrillas lacked the resources to water supplies used by guerrillas with the patho defeat government security forces in direct com gen responsible for cholera. Whether these efforts bat, but Rhodesian forces were stretched too thin had any effect is impossible to discern. What public health officials call the 7th cholera pandemic reached to suppress the insurgents, especially once they had established base camps in neighboring coun Africa in 1970, so it is possible that claimed cholera tries. Amidst the conflict, Rhodesian military and outbreaks in guerrilla camps resulted from the natu intelligence services employed what would now be ral spread of the disease. Cross believes that the Rhodesians only technology approach to waging chemical warfare. Seth Carus recently completed a Distinguished Research Fellowship with the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction at National Defense University. What few surviving documents exist Cross According to some accounts, including from supplemented with interviews and declassified U. State Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Bale is thorough in his selection and treatment of Destruction, Religious Extremism, the cases, using primary sources whenever avail and Organized Crime able and delivering an intentionally robust text to provide an alternative to what he describes in the By Jeffrey M. Melley is a Senior Research Fellow with the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction at National Defense University. Based on his related, unpublished research from of clandestine and covert operations to disrupt and the 2000s for an unnamed U.